Fabricio, a strong and engaging name with Latin origins, is a masculine name. Meaning “craftsman” or “artisan,” Fabricio carries a sense of skill and creativity. With its warm and robust sound, it gives off an easygoing vibe. Whether it’s a boy or a man, the name suggests someone who is very hands-on and strong.
Popularity Chart
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Similar Names like Fabricio
Discover other baby names to add to your Favorites list by looking into options that have a sound that is similar to others you’ve found.
Fabian | Ferdinand |
Federico | Finbar |
Francisco | Faustino |
Fabio | Filippo |
Feliciano | Farid |
Fiorello | Fidel |
Floriano | Favian |
Fausto | Fidelio |
More Names Like Fabricio That’ll Win Parent’s Heart:
Cassian | Elara |
Leocadio | Zephyrine |
Seraphina | Alessandra |
Thaddeus | Renato |
Valencia | Odalys |
Amadeo | Leonidas |
Isolde | Isabeau |
Octavio | Calista |
Sibling Name Ideas
Are you trying to find a sibling name? Great choices include the following:
Valentina | Bianca |
Lorenzo | Orlando |
Marcella | Natalia |
Leonardo | Dominic |
Isabella | Alessia |
Rafael | Matteo |
Antonella | Valeria |
Adriano | Giancarlo |