A French boy’s name, Chevy, is a diminutive of Chevalier, which means “horseman” or “knight.” Although this name conjures images of classic trucks and a specific Saturday Night Live comedian, it would be much more appealing if you considered it a cowboy name. To find a balance between the risk-taking nature of traditional cowboys and the bravery and honor of an old-fashioned knight, teach baby Chevy to be independent and not afraid to go out on his own.
Popularity Chart
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Similar Names like Chevy
Discover other baby names to add to your Favorites list by looking into options that have a sound that is similar to others you’ve found.
Chet |
Chevelle |
Cheyenne |
Chevron |
Chesney |
Cheri |
Cheo |
Cherie |
Chelsey |
More Names Like Chevy That’ll Win Parent’s Heart:
Ava | Stella |
Ivy | Harper |
Grace | Chloe |
Isla | Zoe |
Penelope | Evie |
Ruby | Elsie |
Mia | Luna |
Scarlett |
Sibling Name Ideas
Are you trying to find a sibling name for Chevy? Great choices include the following:
Ryder | Jolie |
Blaze | Delta |
Maverick | Nova |
Sierra | Blaze |
Gemma | Zara |
Phoenix | Skye |
Cruz | Axel |
Orion |