Brennan is a gender-neutral name that comes from the Irish origins. Braonán is the traditional spelling of the name, which means “teardrop” or “sorrow.” If you want to teach your child that grief is a natural part of life that should be accepted, the name Brennan will leave a lasting impression on them. A dark-feathered bird that appears in numerous literary and artistic works, most notably “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, is also a possible meaning of this name. Brennan is a lovely name that encourages children to embrace their shadow selves.
Popularity Chart
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Sibling Name Ideas
Are you trying to find a sibling name for Brennan? Great choices include the following:
- Derrin
- Sivneigh
- Neal
- Dugan
- Dempsy
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- Codey
- Bain
- Colhoun
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- Darsie
- Baris
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- Bryanne
- Keegan
- Kassadi