Albert is a name that sounds noble and smart. It comes from Germanic roots that mean “noble” and “bright,” giving it a history of honor and potential. Beyond cultures, it sounds like the honesty and wisdom of people like Einstein and Schweitzer, point to a spirit that is both curious and kind. While traditionally seen as masculine, its flexible beat and long history make it a great choice for anyone’s journey.
Popularity Chart
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Similar Names like Albert
Discover other baby names to add to your Favorites list by looking into options that have a sound that is similar to others you’ve found.
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Alden |
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Aldous |
More Names Like Albert That’ll Win Parent’s Heart:
Frederick |
Henry |
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Theodore |
Arthur |
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William |
Ernest |
Sibling Name Ideas
Are you trying to find a sibling name for Albert? Great choices include the following:
For Boy | For Girl |
Arthur | Victoria |
Edward | Elizabeth |
Henry | Alice |
Charles | Florence |
Frederick | Edith |
George | Beatrice |
Alfred | Margaret |
Walter | Charlotte |