11 Tummy Time Exercises and Brain Building Activities To Try

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Our infants are flexible and comfortable when bounced from one lap to another. But do you know the human tendency is to carry and keep their babies on their backs overlooking the facts about tummy time exercises, positions and how crucial they are? Let us today talk about exercises and comprehend their significance.

What to do when your baby hates tummy time?

Many babies hate tummy exercises initially but ultimately, they start tolerating and then enjoying it. Tummy time exercise is a physical milestone period for babies. To make it fun guardians should follow the following ideas:

  • Keep short duration initially and increase it eventually.
  • Shift the tummy time arena frequently
  • Feet Massage
  • Invite siblings

Tummy Time Exercises

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) mentions—though lying on the back is crucial for babies but lying on a tummy and performing tummy exercises has additional benefits.

Tummy exercises assist babies to lift their heads as when on tummy babies raise their heads against the gravity, to turn, to sit up, and to crawl.

Chest to Chest

Reclining against your couch using tummy time pillows with your baby curled up on your chest and gazing at your face is a perfect chest-to-chest posture.

Keep in mind to maintain your upper body at a 45-degree angle. Such tummy time exercise enables you to have an amazing communication bonding with your infant.

Have a Seat

To execute this you are advised to settle on the floor with your legs extended. Next, keep your baby’s chest against your legs and keep them in this posture.

During the procedure you can communicate and sing with them, you can tap their back as it immensely relaxes babies and keeps their stomach healthy.

Use Baby Props

When the infant is two to three weeks you can trust to move them down to the floor. Keep a rolled-up blanket, towel, or nursing pillow and rest your baby’s chest on it at a 30-45 degree angle.

This enables them to extend their hands. Guardians can use toys, books, and even themselves to entertain the baby from the front.

Be Entertaining

When babies turn to their fourth or fifth month they become capable of lying on their stomach without any assistance. On the floor confront your baby or use a mirror at a 45-degree angle so that the baby can see its reflection.

Use any pattern if possible black and white as it is entertaining and visually stimulating for them. In case of any grumpiness in infants use toys for tummy time.

Rock and Roll

This can be done shortly after birth. Hatch your exercise ball and rest your baby’s tummy on it, to make it cozier you may use an additional blanket under them. Keep a firm hand on their back to prevent any slipping and roll the ball front, back, left, and right.

Moreover, you can even choose to hop a little bit. This increases the proprioception (the awareness regarding the environment around the body) in the baby. 

Make a Baby Airplane

For this exercise, your baby needs to have good head control which is achieved after the third or fourth month. Lie on your back and keep your knees up towards your chest, next,  hold your infant confronting you, with their tiny body supported by your shins. Clasp baby’s chest to safeguard them against your legs and let their arms ease on your legs.

Take a Stroll

With your tummy down cradle your baby in your arms and go for a stroll around the house. To make it engaging you can have a conversation with them, where you can choose to tell them about the things you see on your way. Such tummy exercises will add up to the environmental knowledge of the child.

Toys and Talk

Let your baby lie down on the stomach and place several colorful toys in front of them. Let your infant chase and grab them. Amid this being a good parent do not leave their side instead join them and communicate with them regarding their toys and things. This exercise will improve their environmental knowledge and linguistic skills.

Get Naked

Let your baby’s tiny bum free. Settle them on the floor on their stomach with soft blankets or towels beneath them. Let them observe and play with toys. Parents should join and entertain them in this tummy exercise.

Peanut Ball

For this, you need to add a tummy time prop known as a peanut ball. Place your baby on the ball on their stomach and holding them firmly to prevent dropping rolls in the front and back.

If a baby has a sibling you might want to make them sit in front of the baby to make it more fun and engaging. This exercise is crucial to improve a child’s overall muscle strength and vestibular system.


Tummy exercise requires you to lie on your back and lift your legs upwards together at 90 degrees and rest your baby confronting you between your knees and your ankles over your shins.

Hold your child’s arms or torso to keep them stable and then with the help of your legs bounce them up and down. This gives a thrilling experience to your baby and do not forget to communicate with them during the procedure.

Bottom Line

Having the title of physical milestone tummy time exercises plays a crucial role in the overall development of an infant. It develops several muscular, brainy, and balancing skills in babies. These skills add up to their lifetime advantages that assist them in every domain.

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