Izik is a name that makes people laugh and smile. A fun take on the traditional Isaac, meaning “he laughs” in Hebrew, it promises a life filled with lightheartedness and cheer. It comes from both Yiddish and Hebrew roots and has a warmth that goes beyond borders. While traditionally seen as a masculine name, its fun rhythm and flexible energy make it easy for anyone to share its joyful spirit, no matter what path they take.
Popularity Chart
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Similar Names like Izik
Discover other baby names to add to your Favorites list by looking into options that have a sound that is similar to others you’ve found.
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More Names Like Izik That’ll Win Parent’s Heart:
Isaac | Elijah |
Ezekiel | Josiah |
Ezra | Caleb |
Isaiah | Noah |
Asher | Jacob |
Zachariah | Ethan |
Micah | Levi |
Malachi | Jonah |
Sibling Name Ideas
Are you trying to find a sibling name for Izik? Great choices include the following:
Hannah | Benjamin |
Leah | Sophia |
Naomi | Charlotte |
Abigail | Amelia |
Sarah | Olivia |
Evelyn | Daniel |